Artwork journals with Japanese colored papers.

Artwork journals with Japanese colored papers.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy thoughts in winter

Expectation of Spring 2"Miki Ohno

Torn Japanese colored paper and acrylic resin on 5.83 × 8.27 inches paper board.
14.8cm×21cm  ペーパーボードに和紙・アクリル樹脂

The more it gets freezing cold outside, warmer image comes up in me.  As animals getting ready for hibernation, every happy winter image like cute little flowers, clear blue sky and buds under the snow are gathered and sealed in my thoughts with memories of fruity smell  from Christmas decorations. 


Here is another old song from late ’80s, played when I painted the piece above.


"On Retinae"/Dip in the Pool  

"Miracle Play"/Dip in the Pool 

Sunday, December 9, 2012


"Lake Onneto"Miki Ohno

Torn Japanese colored paper and acrylic resin on 14.33 × 20.28 inches paper board.
36.4cm×51.5cm ペーパーボードに和紙・アクリル樹脂

There has been a quiet lakeside view in me as my mental picture, where I often hang around.   Not so open and fluid as a river or the sea. It stays still silently to seal my emotional phases as joy, sorrow, and solitude.
This picture of the lake above actually exists nearby the place where I spent my childhood.  Its color looked exactly like this greenish blue.   Since my linguistic ability at that time had not been developed enough to name the view as "beauty", I just kept standing at the lakeside with my eyes widely opened, just like animals instinctively grasp the significance of their existence without a word.   

Lake reminded me of this old song.

"Lake"/Anna Domino 1987