Artwork journals with Japanese colored papers.

Artwork journals with Japanese colored papers.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fantastic Plants 2

"Fantastic Plants 2"/Miki Ohno

Torn Japanese colored paper and acrylic resin on 10.12 × 14.33 inches paper board.

Ziggy had almost reached adulthood since he came here at three months old.

His head and muzzles are getting bigger and rounder, as what I like about the features of British short hair.

Friday, September 23, 2011

New Series

"Fantastic Plants 1"/Miki Ohno

Torn Japanese colored paper and acrylic resin on 10.12×14.33 inches paper board.

Autumn has come and Ziggy is comfortably melting out from a plastic box
on my bed.   

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tiny Pieces 21 & 22

"Aquamarine Syrup"

"Emerald Syrup"

Torn Japanese colored paper and acrylic resin on 2 inch square paper board.
Summer in Japan is hot and humid.  
Ziggy, the proudly glowing up cat stays comfortable on his aluminum plate.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Small Pieces 10

"Aqua Green"Miki Ohno

Torn Japanese colored paper and acrylic resin on 5.5 × 7 inches paper board.
This quiet scenery is the third piece of my similar works motivated by the colors
and textures seen in minerals, and piano music by Maurice Ravel.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Small Pieces 9

"Vein of Green"Miki Ohno

Torn Japanese colored paper and acrylic resin on 5.5 × 7 inches paper board.
Every now and then, I feel "hungry" for certain colors like yellowish green this time.
Translucent and yellowish green might flow as cool refreshment in my summer image.  


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Tiny Pieces 20

"Isolated Pistachio" / Miki Ohno

Torn Japanese Colored paper and acrylic resin on 2 inch square paper board.
I prefer this kind of cool sherbet tones especially in summer time.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Flying on Snailcats

"Flying on Snailcats" / Miki Ohno

Torn Japanese colored paper with acrylic resin on a 7,17×10.12 inch paper board.

I had been busy cuddling my new cat Ziggy since he came on May 5th and almost forgotten about painting.  He grows up fast and our life together had become stable now.

Different color tones of torn Japanese colored papers are sorted into 6 paper boxes in my room.

You may imagine how Ziggy dives into each boxes and helps me painting.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cat Series

"Pomegranate"Miki Ohno

Torn Japanese colored paper with acrylic resin on a 10.12×14.33 inch paper board.

Pomegranate has been my favorite fruit in terms of its fragrance and appearance.
This composition came out automatically.  Both pomegranate and snailcat might have been
the elements of my inner paradise. 



Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tiny Pieces 18 & 19

"Fresh Green"/ Miki Ohno 

"Orange and Pink"/ Miki Ohno

Torn Japanese colored paper and acrylic resin on a 2 inch square paper board.
More uplifting colors for spring time.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tiny Pieces 17

"Pink"/ Miki Ohno

Torn Japanese colored paper and acrylic resin on a 2 inch square paper board.
This was made for my urgent need for pink color which works like mental lollipop. 


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Whichever you prefer...

"Golden Moon on the Flow"/ Miki Ohno

It looks OK or even better than before as for the way it flows.
I got this optional idea of vertical setting, thanks to Pete's comment on my previous post.
Actually, i often decide which side should go top or bottom at the last moment when i create this sort of obscure scenery. 


Monday, March 21, 2011

Small Pieces 8

"Golden Moon on the Flow"/ Miki Ohno

Torn Japanese colored paper and acrylic resin on 5.5 × 7 inches paper board.

Getting used to the "Tiny Pieces" of 2 inch square during these 3 months, this "Small Piece" was a big challenge to me.   I needed a little more of a stretch to create this landscape.
Almost every time at the beginning of painting, i get lost and start thinking of it might be wrong, failure and trash.  At the last part, some fortune and coincidence rescue me to show much less than what I was planning and something a little more than I expected.  This complex feeling motivates me to start the next piece. 

ここ3ヶ月ほど5cm四方のTiny Piecesを制作するのに慣れていたので、この大きさでも

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tiny Pieces 15&16

"Quiet Place" / Miki Ohno

"River Valley"/Miki Ohno

Torn Japanese colored paper and acrylic resin on 2 inch square paper boards.

These two pieces show my characteristic taste of subtle color composition.
Yesterday a large earthquake struck Japan and my room is still messed up with broken glass, CD and fallen shelves.  I'd rather turn my back on them and keep creating some calm and quiet pieces.


Miki Ohno's damaged room by the earthquake  

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tiny Pieces 14

"Solid Blue" / Miki Ohno

Torn Japanese colored paper and acrylic resin on a 2 inch square paper board.
I often keep adding layers on layers until seeing better results.  A view of 2 inch square would show enormous depth and gravity which is different from my intention this time.  Above is an example of the result which supposed to have much lighter texture at the beginning.  This is complete in a way which drives me to create another one to get a satisfactory result. 


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tiny Pieces 13

"Opalescent  Tide" / Miki Ohno

Torn Japanese colored paper and acrylic resin on a 2 inch square paper board.
This one came out because one Japanese comment on this series Tiny Pieces 10 happened to remind me of subtle opalescent colors which have been my most favorite.  Opalescent colors can be shown by certain color compositions or layers of thin papers with acrylic resin with lightings.  Even though those colors can be found easily among minerals, shells and wings in nature,  I' d like to create and seal them in my works.  It is funny that many painters are eager to fake and deform some parts of nature and frame them.  I think it's an enjoyable part of art appreciation to see the gap between the fake and the real, and to feel the artists' eagerness for such imitation.

先日、Tiny Pieces 10miyuさんからシェルパール色の使用についてコメントを頂いたことから、お気に入りの微妙なオパール色を今回あらためて表現したく思いました。オパール色は、色構成を工夫して和紙を何枚か重ねた層にアクリル樹脂をからめ、そこに光を透過させると現れることがあります。鉱物や貝殻、昆虫の羽など、本物の遊色効果を自然界で容易に目にすることはできるのですが、あえて自分なりに作って箱庭的空間へ封じ込めたいと思うのです。絵を描く多くの人達が、自然界の一部を模倣し、ゆがめて額に入れたいという衝動をもっています。作品鑑賞する側からみると、模倣された物と本物とのギャップ、そして模倣したがる作者のこだわりを見つけるのも面白いものです。

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tiny Pieces 12

"Antique Lantern" / Miki Ohno

Torn Japanese colored papers and acrylic resin on a 2 square inch paper board.
Image of a blurred view or a nostalgic sequence looking through the glass.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tiny Pieces 11

"Frozen Drop"/ Miki Ohno

Japanese colored papers and acrylic resin on 2 inch square paper board.

Sweet and fruity stuffs might come to mind occasionally for nourishment.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tiny Pieces 10

Frozen Puddle / Miki Ohno

Torn Japanese colored papers on 2 square inches paper board with acrylic resin.
Each season shows lovely color combinations and I especially like those in wintertime.  Sad and moderate blue seen between earthy colors remind me of some East European films as Krzysztof Kieslowski's.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tiny Pieces 9

"Some Cracks In The Sky"/ Miki Ohno

Japanese colored papers and acrylic resin on 2 square inches paper board.
This time I rather concentrated on creating subtle textures and depth shown on the layers of Japanese colored papers than crystalizing acrylic resin thickly.  Golden yellow and pale blue is my favorite, melancholic and nostalgic color composition.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tiny Pieces 8

"Fine Spring Day"/ Miki Ohno

Japanese colored papers and acrylic resin on 2 square inches paper board.
Spring is still far off in Japan.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Tiny Pieces 7

"Water Under Ice"/ Miki Ohno

Japanese colored papers and acrylic resin on 2 square inches paper board.
Another one of my favorites or rather obsessions, is colors and textures
of the objects as if looked through ice, glass or water.  


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tiny Pieces 6

"Candy Time"/ Miki Ohno

Japanese colored papers and acrylic resin on 2 square inches paper board.

The weather cleared up on Sunday in Japan.
This sort of uplifting yet moderate candy color composition and texture is one of my favorites
which shows up every now and then.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tiny Pieces 5

"Topaz Day" / Miki Ohno

Japanese colored papers, pieces of marble, mica powder and acrylic resin on 2 square inches paper board.

Torn Japanese colored papers are used for coloring as usual.
Crystal-like texture is enhanced more by acrylic resin.  


Friday, February 11, 2011

Tiny Pieces 4

"Aquamarine Day" /Miki Ohno

Pieces of torn Japanese colored papers with acrylic resin on 2 inch square paper board. 

Freezing cold 3-day holidays started with snow in Japan.
I miss my cuddly office cat Jimmy with blue-gray coat and pale green eyes.  
Even though my colleagues who work on weekends are supposed to take care of him,
I feel a bit anxious and blue because it's been only 18 days since he came to our office.


Jimmy, the office cat with his blue caterpillar pillow.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tiny Pieces 3

                                            "Fruity Champagne"/Miki Ohno

Pieces of Japanese colored papers and acrylic resin on a paper board of 2 square inches.
This is some sensation of fizzy refreshments with fruity champagne.  I like the melancholic and faded tones of champagne colors.  Although acrylic resin should be treated carefully not to include bubbles for industrial purposes, that's the point I prefer as well as the various effects by making layers with Japanese colored papers.  


Friday, February 4, 2011

Tiny Pieces 2

                                            "Peach Melba"/ Miki Ohno

Pieces of Japanese colored papers and glass fiber on a paper board of 2 square inches, coated with acrylic resin (gloss polymer medium).

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tiny Pieces

I'm working on Tiny Pieces of which size is 2 square inches.

                                            "Night Drop"/ Miki Ohno

It is made on a piece of paper board.  I pasted tiny pieces of torn Japanese colored papers, placed a piece of broken glass and hit it with a hammer to make cracks on it.  Gloss polymer medium is used for coating and pasting.